DCMC School
ZOOM , United StatesThe DCM School meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5-6pm PST
The DCM School meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5-6pm PST
Are you a tad bit confused by the 12 Concepts for World Service? If so, join our District 09 in-depth discussion facilitated by Francine W., D09 PI Chair. Come prepared with the current issue of the AA Service Manual.
What is the purpose of an Area Service Committee? Identifying, defining and discussing Area, District and Group problems and issues; Obtaining the conscience of each District and its Groups; Acting as an advisory committee to the Assembly, Executive Committee and Delegate; Establishing the agenda for the next Assembly.
Service Workshop & Committee Sharing Session hosted by the A09 Alt-Delegate. Each month brings a new topic with great presenters. All meetings are recorded and can be found on the www.msca09aa.org website.
This workshop will provide knowledge, insight, and ideas on Bridging the Gap and how it works from start to finish!
A Tool for Accessing The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Spanish Interpretation and ASL Interpretation available upon request. Email to [email protected]
Are you a tad bit confused by the 12 Concepts for World Service? If so, join our District 09 in-depth discussion facilitated by Francine W., D09 PI Chair. Come prepared with the current issue of the AA Service Manual.
Treatment Committee Zoom Meeting 4th Thursday of each month 7:00 – 7:45pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85437550762 Meeting ID: 854 3755 0762 Passcode: 244472
Join us to share your experience, strength and hope in General Service with the 4 Area's in Southern California.
Remote Communities Meeting Last Monday of Each Month 6:00pm to 7:00pm via ZOOM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87346527029?pwd=K1d6YktOZ3I2dmp6dkVCelZIcGVxdz09 Meeting ID: 873 4652 7029 Passcode: 277176 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87346527029#,,,,*277176# US (San...
Are you a tad bit confused by the 12 Concepts for World Service? If so, join our District 09 in-depth discussion facilitated by Francine W., D09 PI Chair. Come prepared with the current issue of the AA Service Manual.
Speaker! Live Music! Games! Potluck! Bring your favorite side dish and something to sit on. Hot dogs and hamburgers provided.