Area Officers
The formation of the Mid-Southern California Area was approved at the Eighth General Service Conference, April 1958. Mid-Southern California Area sent its first Delegate to the Ninth General Service Conference, April 1959. Area Officers are chosen by the Assembly at an election meeting held in the odd-numbered year preceding the year in which the office is assumed. The terms of office shall be two years, commencing on January 1 of even-numbered years.

Duties of the Delegate
a. It is the Delegate’s ultimate responsibility to provide the leadership necessary to build a sound service structure in the Area, without which the job of communication from the Groups to the Conference and then back again would be impossible.
b. The Delegate has the responsibility of attending the General Service Conference, prepared to express the “conscience” of the Area as a result of having presented and discussed the Conference agenda topics throughout the Area during the months preceding the Conference.
c. During the Conference sessions, it is the Delegate’s responsibility as a trusted servant to carefully evaluate the viewpoints expressed on each subject under discussion and then vote on all questions, not as a representative of a particular Area, but as a member of the Conference whose duty it is to act in the best interests of A.A. as a whole.
d. After the Conference the Delegate is responsible for reporting for reporting back to the Area in the best way possible to reach all members of A.A. in the Area.
e. Ongoing Conference duties. Maintains constant communications during the year with G.S.O. and the General Service Board on information, studies and surveys. Serves as a member of a specific Conference Committee during the two year tenure.
f. Attends all Area Assembly and Area Service Committee meetings.
g. Attends other Area Service functions and visits district meetings as often as possible.
h. Attends the Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (P.R.A.A.S.A.) and when appropriate, other regional or state service functions.
Duties of the Alternate Delegate
The Conference recommends that all areas elect Alternate delegates. The alternate serves as a valuable assistant, often traveling with the delegate or giving reports for him or her.
Has implicit responsibility for assisting and/or substituting for the Delegate whenever appropriate.
Responsible for all special committees and subcommittees, workshops, and all special functions of the Area Service Committee.
Serves as liaison between the Area Service Committee, Intergroup/Central Service, and all other permanent committees, working closely with the
Delegate in order that the Delegate can function most effectively.
Works closely with the Area Chair in carrying out the latter’s administrative duties, and shall assume the appropriate duties of the chair in the latter’s absence.
Duties of the Area Chairperson
a. Conduct all Area Assembly and Area Service Committee meetings, prepare and have published meeting agenda, appoint ad hoc committees with the approval of the Executive Committee to be affirmed at the next Assembly, and in general perform the duties of the administrative officer of the Assembly.
b. Responsible for a healthy Area structure and, whenever a District is having difficulty, the Area Chair should be available to assist in restoring it to good working order.
Duties of the Area Secretary
a. Takes the minutes of the Assembly and Area Service Committee meetings. After approval by the Delegate and Chair, distributes the minutes and the agenda for the next meeting in a timely manner to D.C.M.C.s, Alternate D.C.M.C.s, D.C.M.s, Area Officers, Chairs and Co-chairs of Standing and Coordinate Committees, Past Delegates, Pacific Regional Trustee, and the General Service Office. The Secretary takes minutes of the Executive Committee’s meetings and, after review by the Delegate and/or Chair, distributes them and the agenda for the next Area meeting to the Area Officers and D.C.M.C.s.
b. Ensures that a roster of the Area Service Committee is distributed semiannually to members of the Area Assembly and advises G.S.O. of changes in the Area Service Committee.
c. Has custody of the records of the Area Assembly.
d. Maintains a current mailing list and telephone numbers of all members of the Area Service Committee.
e. Notifies in a timely manner all Area Service Committee members of meetings and agenda of the Area Service Committee and Assembly.
f. Circulates and maintains on file district sign up rosters to be used as voting eligibility lists.
g. Prepares and maintains the Area Service Committee roster.
Duties of the Accounts Payable Treasurer
a. Responsible for keeping records of the Area payables and providing, with the assistance of the Treasurer A.R., cash flow statements to the Finance committee quarterly.
( 1 ) Keeps checkbook records.
( 2 ) Keeps journal and general ledger.
b. Ensures that approved Area expenses are paid.
c. Serves as a voting member of the Finance Committee of the Assembly. The Treasurer A.P. helps that Committee keep Groups informed of the Area financial status and of the year-end financial reports.
d. Ensures the filing of all necessary tax forms as required by law.
Duties of the Accounts Receivable Treasurer
a. Responsible for keeping records of the Area receivables and income and providing, with the assistance of the Treasurer A.P., cash flow statements to the Finance Committee quarterly.
(1) Keeps records of income.
(2) Makes acknowledgement of income to donors.
b. Serves as a voting member of the Finance Committee of the Assembly. The Treasurer A.R. helps that Committee keep Groups informed of the Area financial status and of the year-end financial reports.
Duties of the Area Registrar
a. Assumes responsibility for updating the Group records and printouts from the General Service Office (G.S.O.) and keeps Group records up-to-date as much as possible in cooperation with the Treasurer and district leaders (D.C.M.C.s. and D.C.M.s).
b. Assists the Delegate in locating Groups when requested by G.S.O. c. Coordinates the visitations schedules of Area Officers to Intergroup and H.&I. Meetings The Registrar is also a voting member of the Registration Committee and is the link to GSO for that Registration Committee.