A.A. is considered by many professionals to be a valuable resource for alcoholics who want help. When there is a good working relationship between A.A. members in the community and paid alcoholism workers, the sick alcoholic is the winner—he or she gets the help needed from both. We are not in competition with these non-A.A.s; we have our separate functions. A.A. is not in the business of education, research, medicine, counseling, treatment, prevention, or funding. We simply have a message to carry about a program of recovery for alcoholics—a program that works for hundreds of thousands who want it. The professional can help the alcoholic want it—by education, counseling, and rehabilitative treatment—and can also be of aid through making the community aware of and care about the millions still suffering from the progressive illness of alcoholism.
— Taken from the A.A. Guidelines on CPC from N.Y.
Link: Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee Guidelines
Conference Approved Literature: The Conference approved Literature and Other Service Material catalog has a section on C.P.C. specific items, and much of the literature is also available in Spanish and French.
For Professionals:
- Understanding Anonymity
- If You Are a Professional. . .
- Members of the Clergy Ask About A.A.
- Problems Other Than Alcohol
- Is There an Alcoholic in the Workplace?
- This Is A.A.
- A.A. In Your Community
- Let’s Be Friendly With Our Friends
- A.A. as a Resource for the Health Care Professional
- A.A. Membership Survey
- A Message to Correctional Facilities Professionals
- Information on Alcoholics Anonymous
For “the People” Professionals Serve:
- A.A. at a Glance
- This Is A.A.
- Is A.A. for Me?
- A Brief Guide to A.A.
- Too Young?
- Do You Think You’re Different?
- Is There an Alcoholic in Your Life?
- Problems Other Than Alcohol
- A Message to Teenagers
- Is A.A. for You?
- 44 Questions
- A.A. for the Woman
- Letter to a Woman Alcoholic
- Time to Start Living
- A.A. for the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic
- A.A. for the Native North American