Submission Guidelines
To submit material of an informational nature for publication on this public website, here are a few simple guidelines you must follow:
- Please double-check thoroughly for errors before sending. Be sure to verify dates and times if that applies to your submission.
- Check for anonymity breaks. There should be no full names, personal phone numbers or cell numbers, or personal email addresses that include a person’s full name.
- Submit your documents in MS Word format (.DOC, DOCX) or Adobe Portable Document format (.PDF).
- Please provide two copies of each document – one in English and one in Spanish. If your committee or district has a Spanish translator available, please help out by submitting both versions. If you cannot provide both versions, we will arrange for translation but that will delay publication of your material.
- Documents submitted with anonymity breaks or serious errors may be edited, or just not published at all.
Where To Send Your Files
Send your submission as an email attachment to the Communications Committee. You can click the link below or enter the address into your email program. After review and approval, your material will be scheduled for publication.
Send new material to [email protected]