East Valley Intergroup New Years Alcathon
ZOOM , United StatesWelcome to 2021!
Welcome to 2021!
ZOOM conference call at https://zoom.us/j/99209813727 Password: service
ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US Next Meeting on Jan 18th 7:00 - 8:30pm. Zoom Meeting:861 4086 6994 Passcode: EMS Agenda: Jan 18th 2021 Agenda EMC Faith - Webservant Justin - secretary/treasurer Stacey- Online Meeting Chick Alex - Chair/Researcher/App/inventor Mitchell - Member at large (Holds us in check)
Hosted by District 5 of MSCA09 Do you understand what the "Twelve Concepts" of A.A. mean 'or' could you perhaps use a reminder? If yes to either, then be sure to attend this three series workshop where the presenters will each give a report explaining of of the applicable Concepts to help the attendees have...
Presentation with Q&A Zoom Meeting ID: 92876475405 Password: mystcon21 QUESTIONS: [email protected] or [email protected] Flyer: Flyer_Mysterious Concepts
Topic: MSCA 09 Area Service Committee Meeting - February 14, 2021 Time: Feb 14, 2021 08:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91568900885?pwd=bmFWYUtjV3h5ZDRkeXBkS2FocDdjZz09 Meeting ID: 915 6890 0885 Passcode: service One tap mobile +16699006833,,91568900885# US (San Jose) +14086380968,,91568900885# US (San Jose)
All AA Members are welcome to come preview the new MSCA 09 website, presented by the MSCA09 Electronic Media Sub-Committee. ZOOM Meeting: 861 4086 6994 Passcode: EMS
Hosted by District 5 with Area09 and District 18 Participation After such an informative and successful "Concepts 1 thru 4 Workshop", we're really looking forward to this one. All fellowship members are invited to join us! Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm ZOOM ID: 457 182 8915 Password: 469764 Flyer: CONCEPTS 5-8...
Come join over 1,000 excited A.A. members from all over the Pacific Region to be part of this unforgettable event. The entire weekend is packed with panels, round table discussions, presentations, open mike sharing, speakers, wonderful meals and ongoing fellowship.
Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/95801933553?pwd=MnZyeWtOM1h3aWNWV2hTTXJtMEJQQT09 Meeting ID: 958 0193 3553 Passcode: service
Presented by the MSCA 09 Electronic Media Sub-Committee, learn how to make an APP - how to update it - and how to navigate. All A.A. members are encouraged to participate. ZOOM ID: 861 4086 6994 Passcode: EMS
Attention all General Service Reps! For the 71st General Service Conference Agenda Items Hosted by MSCA Area 09 Districts 1/3, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 18 ASL and Spanish Interpreters Topics: There will be 18 agenda topics, 3 topics at a time with a Q&A session after each round. Date: Saturday, March 20th Time: 10:00am...