This site is maintained by the Mid-Southern California Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous Area 09 for the purpose of dispersing information pertinent to service work within the area to the GSR’s, committee members, officers and other interested alcoholics.
Purpose of the MSCA
Service to the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous shall be the primary purpose of General Service in the Mid-Southern California Area.
Delegate Area
A Delegate Area Is a geographical division within a state or province. There are 93 areas in the U.S. and Canada. One conference delegate comes from each area. In California there are six (6) Delegate Areas.
- California Northern Coastal Area 06 (CNCA)
- California Northern Interior Area 07 (CNIA)
- Central California Area 93 (CCA)
- Southern California Area 05 (SCA)
- Mid-Southern California Area 09 (MSCA)
- San Diego/Imperial Area 08 (SDIA)
The Area Service Committee (ASC)
An M.S.C.A. committee that is made up of Area Officers, past Delegates, D.C.M.C.’s, alternate D.C.M.C.’s, D.C.M.’s, other District Officer’s, Standing and Coordinate Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs. There is a minimum of two A.S.C. Meetings between each regular Assembly.The Area Service Committee has the following purpose:
- Identifying, defining, and discussing Area, District and Group problems and issues.
- Obtaining the consensus of each District and its Groups.
- Acting as an advisory Committee to the Assembly, Executive Committee and Delegate.
- Establishing the agenda for the next assembly.
The Area Assembly
Membership includes the Delegate, Alternate Delegate, other Area Officers, all currently serving G.S.R.’s, D.C.M.C.’s, Alternate D.C.M.C.’s, D.C.M.’s, Alternate D.C.M.’s, other District Officers, and Standing and Coordinate Committee Chairs and Co chairs.
The Assembly is the mainspring of the Conference structure and is the representative voice of the movement expressing itself. It is the gathering of the G.S.R.’s and the A.S.C., which deliberates upon and enacts resolutions concerning service matters brought before it. Its responsibilities include:
- Electing and supporting the Area Officers, including a Delegate to the General Service Conference.
- Being an interim repository, through its G.S.R.’s, of the collective group conscience of the Area.
- Seeking substantial unanimity in all important decisions.
- Strengthening A.A. as a whole and carrying the A.A. message the best way possible in the M.S.C.A.