Purpose: Like all of A.A., the primary purpose of members involved with public information service is to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Working together, members of local Public Information committees convey A.A. information to the general public, including the media.
” Those interested in becoming a P.I. Committee Member should, first have, “sound sobriety. All committee members need to be thoroughly familiar with the A.A. program and able to provide consistent and accurate information about the Fellowship. Experience in the public relations is not essential.”
~Taken from the A.A. Guidelines on Public Information from N.Y: ~
Link: Public Information Committee Guidelines
PI Committee Sharing: As part of P.I. shared experience, the following is a list of goals from a district P.I. committee:
- Be sure every public library has at least one Conference-approved book e.g. the Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions or Living Sober.
- Let the Fellowship know how to reach out to the hearing impaired. (or any disability)
- Place a literature rack in every high school, college, police station, library and hospital in the district and keep the rack stacked with appropriate literature and meeting schedules.
- Send a letter to high schools, offering A.A. literature and/or a presentation on A.A. – what we do and what we do not do.
- Send a letter to convalescent homes, rest homes and senior centers in the district offering A.A. literature and/or a presentation on A.A.
- List open A.A. meetings in the newspapers in the district.
- Place a small (paid if necessary) announcement in every district newspaper around the holidays.
- Work with the newspapers – anonymity, Traditions – general interest in our Fellowship.
- Respond to speaking requests at non-A.A. meetings in the district. Place Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) with radio and television stations.
- Put meeting schedules behind the front desks at every hotel, motel and bed and breakfast.
- Participate in district and state A.A. seminars and conventions.
- Fight apathy within the Fellowship, find a co-chair and interested people in order to achieve all the above, and most importantly, keep your sanity and stay away from the first drink.”
Informing the Fellowship: Though the ‘public’ in ‘public information’ refers to non-A.A.s, many local P.I. committees consider that helping to keep the Fellowship itself informed is also among their responsibilities.”
Literature for the Public:
- A.A. at a Glance
- Information on Alcoholics Anonymous
- A Message to Teenagers
- Alcoholics Anonymous Membership Survey
- Problems Other than Alcohol
- A.A. Preamble placard
- A.A. Membership Survey display (easel back)
- A.A. in Your Community
- Members of the Clergy Ask About Alcoholics Anonymous
- If You Are a Professional, A.A. Wants to Work with You
- Is There an Alcoholic in the Workplace?
Basic P.I. Literature For Committees:
- A.A. Guidelines (on) Public Information
- Speaking at Non-A.A. Meetings
- Understanding Anonymity
- A Member’s-Eye View of Alcoholic Anonymous
- A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous
- A.A. Fact File
- A.A. Fact Sheet
- Public Information Workbook
- Anonymity Statement for the Public Meetings
- Anonymity Wallet Cards