Delegate’s Sharing Session
12 December 2021 Virtual Area Service Assembly
MSCA 09 Rocks!
- On 11/11, I join Mitchell in Santa Ana to assist District 05 with their elections, to welcome Isaac as incoming DCMC.
- On 11/13, attend hybrid Servathon in Torrance with about 50 Area members, discussing Traditions 1, 4, and 5.
- On 11/21, I attend our Board meeting with both Panel 70 and 72 officers.
Activities within the Pacific Region
- On 11/13, I forward flyers from past delegate, Cesar F, to Area officers, Hispanic District Committee Member Chairs (DCMCs), and Faith for posting soliciting artwork for the July 2022 La Viña celebration, which has a deadline of December 18 for submittal.
- On 11/10, I forward Kathi F’s General Service Board (GSB) October/November quarterly report under the tab, “General Service Office (GSO),” “Pacific Regional Trustee Report.” The report is withdrawn on 11/12 at Kathi’s request since the cancellation of the World Service Meeting (WSM) has not been communicated to all affected countries. She reported on 11/16 that we should be able to post it in several weeks, which was accomplished ca. 12/1.
- The Oct/Nov GSB quarterly report is posted under “Delegate,” “Confidential Resources:”
- On 11/16, ALL 21 Pacific Region delegates – Panel 70, 71, and 72 – are present for Kathi F’s report-back on the October/November quarterly meeting of the General Service Board (GSB) (minus only Area 03, which did not have its elections until 11/20). She reported that only 70 of the 175 Proposed Agenda Items (PAIs) were forwarded to the Conference; six of these are relative to communication with virtual groups, and most were about rescinding the Panel 71 Conference Advisory Actions (particularly Literature and changed Preamble); the PAIs should be on the Dashboard in December; the Trustee’s Literature Committee considered 60 different potential agenda items, including rescinding changes to the 12 and 12; Grapevine is at about 70,000 subscriptions with La Viña at 6,392 subscriptions; Grapevine revenue is up about $100,000 mostly due to new book sales; several countries have requested translations of miscellaneous pieces of literature in their language, including one for Latvia; there were 178 submissions of candidates for various trustee and nontrustee director vacancies that will be filled at the 2022 Conference; we are very close to budgeted amount for literature and contributions, likely more than $10 million; and we are still down $3+ million dollars on Reserve Fund, with a quarter million added back, and is now at 8.4 months General Service Office (GSO) operating expenses.
- On 11/20, while in Virginia, I attend Arizona’s, Area 03 elections with 145 members, where Kathy R is elected as Panel 72 delegate, Blas A (Spanish-speaking) alternate delegate, and Dee P as their nominee for Pacific Region Trustee.
- Also on 11/20, I attend the virtual Southern States A.A. Service Assembly – SSAASA – which is analogous to our Pacific Region A.A. Service Assembly – PRAASA – which goes north to Virginia, south to Florida, and encompasses Puerto Rico.
- On 11/23, I receive a note from Amber, Area 58, which is hosting the 2022 PRAASA that the hotel has agreed to return their deposit, and consequently PRAASA, scheduled for March 4, 5, 6, 2022, will be virtual-only.
- Whereas Erica of District 20 has agreed to represent Area 09 as a PRAASA panel speaker, Mitchell B in his new role as delegate will be responsible to fill other volunteer positions in either January or February 2022, keeping in mind that we want to engage our Hispanic members.
All Things Conference-Related
- On 12/2, I receive a list of ± 80 Preliminary Agenda Items, which are posted on the website under the “General Service Office (GSO)” tab and “Conference Materials” subtab, and at: CLICK HERE
News from New York:
- On 11/10, Faith posts the final report from the 2020 USCAN Forum to General Service Office (GSO) announcements
- On 11/10, Faith posts A.A. World Service (AAWS) Publishing special offers on books during the holiday season to GSO announcements
- On 11/10, Faith posts a request from AAWS Self-Supporting Committee with questions soliciting input on use of virtual baskets to GSO announcements, with a deadline of 2/9/2022
- Around mid-December, expect to see a poll from GSO asking if you plan to attend the 2025 International Convention. Kathi F recommended filling this poll in as often as you get it.
- On 12/5, I order the new, 3-year version of the Service Manual, which is available at $4.00/copy at, “A.A. Literature” tab in lower left corner, or under “What’s New?”
- On 12/10, I receive A.A. World Services (AAWS) Highlights, which I forward to Faith to be posted under “GSO Announcements,” and is available at: CLICK HERE
More Will Be Revealed!
- On 11/20 while in Virginia, I attend SSAASA (Southern States A.A. Service Assembly) with 125 members, which is the southeast region’s analogous event to PRAASA (Pacific Region A.A. Service Assembly)
Delegate’s Bulletin Board
- This report will likely be my final Delegate’s Bulletin Board post, so thanks for this opportunity to serve Area 09!
Honored to be of Service!
Ed L., MSCA 09 Panel 70 delegate
Cell: (760) 964-0012
Email: [email protected]